Gospel of Thomas


Introduction // discovery and contents

Resources // A small list of books and articles

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 5575 // A text combining Thomas with the New Testament gospels

Papyrus Geneva 4.151 // A text resembling a saying in Thomas and the New Testament gospels



Authorial context

Saying 1

Find the interpretation

Saying 2


Saying 3

The birds of the sky

Saying 4

The first will be last

Saying 5

The hidden will be revealed

Saying 6

Do not tell lies

Saying 7

Blessed is the lion

Saying 8

The fisherman

Saying 9

The sower

Saying 10

A blazing fire

Saying 11

The sky will pass away

Saying 12

James the Just

Saying 13

Speculate about me

Saying 14

Eat and heal

Saying 15

Born of a woman

Saying 16


Saying 17

What no eye has seen

Saying 18

The beginning and the end

Saying 19

Five trees in the garden

Saying 20

The mustard seed

Saying 21

The thief

Saying 22

Like infants

Saying 23

I will choose you

Saying 24

The light inside

Saying 25

Love your brother

Saying 26

A twig in his eye

Saying 27

Observe the Sabbath

Saying 28

I found them drunk

Saying 29

Wealth in poverty

Saying 30

Where there are three

Saying 31

A prophet in his homeland

Saying 32

A city on a hill

Saying 33


Saying 34

The blind leading the blind

Saying 35

The strong man

Saying 36

Do not be anxious

Saying 37

Trample on your clothes

Saying 38

The words I speak

Saying 39

The keys of knowledge

Saying 40

The grapevine

Saying 41

Given and taken

Saying 42


Saying 43

A tree and its fruit

Saying 44


Saying 45

Figs from thistles

Saying 46

John the Baptizer

Saying 47

Two masters

Saying 48

Say to the mountain

Saying 49

Blessed are the celibate

Saying 50

The place of light

Saying 51

Rest for the dead

Saying 52

Twenty four prophets

Saying 53


Saying 54

Blessed are the poor

Saying 55

Hate family

Saying 56

Master the body

Saying 57

Wheat and weeds

Saying 58

Suffering finds life

Saying 59

Look on the Living One

Saying 60

A Samaritan carrying a lamb

Saying 61

Two on a couch

Saying 62

Worthy of mysteries

Saying 63

The death of a wealthy man

Saying 64

Dinner invitations

Saying 65

The vineyard

Saying 66

The cornerstone

Saying 67

Knowing everything

Saying 68

Blessed are the hated

Saying 69

Persecuted in heart

Saying 70

Salvation within

Saying 71

Destroy this temple

Saying 72


Saying 73

The harvest is plentiful

Saying 74

No one in the well

Saying 75

Standing at the door

Saying 76

The pearl

Saying 77

The light above all things

Saying 78

A reed shaken by the wind

Saying 79

The womb which bore you

Saying 80

Master the body

Saying 81

Disown power

Saying 82

Near the fire

Saying 83

Concealed light

Saying 84

Invisible images

Saying 85


Saying 86

Foxes have dens

Saying 87

Miserable is the body

Saying 88

Messengers and prophets

Saying 89

Washing the cup

Saying 90

Mild yoke

Saying 91

Examine the sky

Saying 92

Questions asked

Saying 93

Pearls given to pigs

Saying 94

The door will be opened

Saying 95

Give without interest

Saying 96

Yeast in the dough

Saying 97

The broken jar

Saying 98

The assassin

Saying 99

Brothers and mothers

Saying 100

Give to Caesar

Saying 101

My true mother

Saying 102


Saying 103

The thief

Saying 104

Pray and fast

Saying 105

Son of a prostitute

Saying 106

Sons of man

Saying 107


Saying 108

Drink from my mouth

Saying 109

Hidden treasure

Saying 110

Disown the world

Saying 111

The sky and earth will roll up

Saying 112

Miserable is the body

Saying 113

Waiting for the kingdom

Saying 114

Woman made male